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Year 8 Bike Riding

This term students in Year 8 have been participating in a Bike Education Unit in their Physical Education classes. Students start with 1 - 2 introductory sessions held on Marylands. They are taken through bike set up and basic bike skills such as; braking, gear changing, and bike handling. Students are taught how to safety pass, ride in groups and use shared paths safely.

With the amazing bike trails only a stone’s throw away from the school, Year 8’s complete trail rides outside of school. It is a great opportunity for students to apply learnt skills and extend their bike riding experience. Bike riding is a fantastic form of fitness and many students report wanting to dust off their bike in the shed and give it another spin.

Next year, students will participate in a Horizon Outdoor Education Unit where they will complete further training to ready them for riding longer distances throughout their camp.

Student reflection:
‘Bike riding was a fun experience for us we, I really enjoyed bike riding as it was something new and different. Being able to leave school and go for a bike ride in the park with my class was a really fun experience. Overall, we feel bike riding is a great skill to have. It is good that the school encourages this by having bike riding as an area of Physical Education.’
Gracie. R. 8JSE and Alexis. E. 8JSE

Madeleine Omizzolo and Teresa Cerra
Health and Physical Education Leaders