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The Instrumental Music Department has begun 2023 strongly. Not only have an influx of students decided that 2023 is the year to be involved in music, we have also had a large number of students accept music scholarships, take part in a Year 7 ‘try an instrument pastoral’ and to top it off a Music Camp for all band students. All of this in the first five weeks of school.

We were very excited to be able to visit the Year 7 cohort during their pastoral lesson on Tuesday 14 February and give them the chance to not only see and hear a range of instruments, but also try them. Whilst many students knew what a violin and a guitar were, they weren’t so sure about some instruments like the French horn and trombone which were on display. It was wonderful to see the students having a go, with some so inspired that they signed up for lessons the next day.

Music Camp this year moved to the beginning of the year to allow students the opportunity of forming their ensemble groups earlier. This two-day experience at The Edmund Rice Amberley Centre on Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 February allowed those students just starting an instrument to undertake two days of intense learning. It was amazing to see the improvement that occurred across the two days. This event also allowed many students to work with their ensemble leaders in a focused environment and for those just starting, understand their roles as part of their music ensemble ‘team’. As well as many hours of rehearsal, the students also undertook some bonding activities and it was great to see new friends being made and fun being had. Trivia, Just Dance and a talent show performance were a few of the extra things which everyone seemed to enjoy.

We look forward to sharing our learnings with the community at various events throughout the semester.

Jo-anne Mileto
Instrumental Music Coordinator